[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Q4Yt1F5VqrU” /]
20 Hipsters Who Hipstered Too Hard to Become the Hippest Hipster
This is hipster in its ultimate form, with hipster levels over 9000.
Neutron Stars Collide, and the Gravitational Wave Sends Ripples Through Astrophysics
Scientists detected their fifth gravitational wave in August, and announced it today. But keeping the discoveries quiet is getting harder and harder.
A New Spin: 125-Year-Old Windmill Turned into a Towering Guest House
From barns and sheds to windmills, rural farm structures have a habit of falling into disrepair when they cease to serve their old functions. In Suffolk, England, one such old structure has found new life as a guest house. Beech Architects saw the stump of an old windmill on the site as an opportunity to expand …
Ten Hairdos and Hats You Should Never Wear to Concerts
Other people’s hats and hairdos have ruined one too many concerts for us. Here are some styles to avoid.
Floating tent lets you camp on water
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Kids Design The House Of The Future, And It’s Chilling
Whimsical tree houses . . . and war-proof bunkers.
As Cribs, Architectural Digest, and HGTV show, dream homes are an inescapable part of our collective imagination. We lust after mansions, Eichlers, marble countertops, more bathrooms, water features, decks, and pools, and hope that one day in the future it’ll all be ours. (I’ll take a brownstone with period details, wood floors, and lighting that makes everyone look close-up ready.) But what do kids, when given the chance to design the house of their future, want? The answer is both beautiful–and chilling.
Stranger Things, Logan and the rise of the unstoppable girl
Picture the scene you’ve seen hundreds of times in a movie before. It kicks off with reliance on a familiar story device at first: a group of nameless thugs lie in wait for the entrance of our hero. As the seconds tick by, they start to get more and more restless, their anticipation and fear almost as paralyzing as the inevitable promise of facing something much tougher. Watching at home, we’re anticipating too. Who – or what – is going to bust down the door and start kicking ass?
The spiritual practice of Kaihōgyō
[arve url=”http://www.nowness.com/iframe?id=5464335843001″ /] The spiritual practice of Kaihōgyō, performed by the monks of Mount Hiei, Japan. The 1000-Day pilgrimage has been completed […]
4 Specific Things You Lose When You Leave Christianity
By Kristi Harrison Published: October 14th, 2017 Source: 4 Specific Things You Lose When You Leave Christianity
Best cosplay ever…

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