Teegla grows by your kindness. Whatever you give in love is good enuff.
What's NOW And What's NEXT
Your Sound Offerings keep us telling stories of The Beautiful, The Good, and The True
We've only just begun...See what's up now, and what's next.
2,500 Subscribers
New PXL7LK episodes weekly
New ARTifacts monthly
New Stories published bi-annually
Successful Kickstarter campaign for our game.

Teegla ARTifacts are items for sale in our shop. Some ARTifacts are common like shirts and apparel, while others are rare finds of various kinds appearing for a limited time...or some only once.
Keep an eye out...As Teegla grows so will the variety and value of our ARTifacts.
LVL 1 Goals:
1 New ARTifact each month

Pixal Talk Is a variety show hosted by Fivezy, (a kind of A.I. we call PIXAL) who wants to know what it means to be human. As PXL7LK grows, expect more stories, more segments, more audience participation, and a live show coming to a stage near you!
PIXAL - to be insane with majesty and awe; to have capability to blow the mind of every person born EVER; to be the most great thing on planet earth at any given time.
- Urban Dictionary
LVL 1 Goals:
Weekly Episodes of PXL7LK
2K Subscribers

Shiloh and the Wonderous Mountain
A graphic novel series telling the story of Shiloh, a being who escapes to Earth from a homeworld where everything and everyone is controlled by an ancient A.I. that’s losing her mind.
Shiloh and the Wonderous Mountain follows Shiloh on his quest to master the seven mystical practices of Sonomancy. Along the way, He finds himself in peril from earthly, and cosmic enemies alike. We find him walking the wondrous mountain which has grown sick and is haunted by many shadows. Shiloh must perform his rites to fulfill his vows…or forfeit his life.
LVL 1 Goals:
Publish two new digital episodes of this story each year.

Teegla The Game
"Play" attention to our stories with a novel card game. Gather your friends and begin your journey as an Acolyte. Learn to wield the seven-fold powers of Sonomancy as you battle against the FR3NDS of the NOOM for the soul of the story.
We are looking for a few good playtesters for our game. Limited edition playtester decks are available to purchase for those with an interest in tabletop gaming who can host game events and provide useful feedback. If you're interested in playtesting the game, please sign up for our pre-game email at teegla.com/play and reply to the welcome email with playtester in the subject line along with a little about your gaming experience and interest.
LVL 1 Goals:
500 Subscribers to the game Pre-launch email list.
Run a successful Kickstarter for the Teegla Game.

20,000 Subscribers
Weekly PXL7LK episodes
New ARTifacts monthly
New Stories published tri-annualy
New Artist Commission
Treasure hunt for a rare ARTifact

200,000 Subscribers
Weekly PXL7LK episodes + Live Show
New ARTifacts monthly + Rare ARTifacts
New Stories published quarterly (digital + print)
New Artist Commission
Game expansion packs
Fivezy hosts game night in your town

1,000,000 Subscribers
Weekly PXL7LK episodes + Live Show
New ARTifacts monthly + Rare ARTifacts
New Stories published monthly (digital + print)
Publish our long-awaited Artist Anthology
Anthology-themed game expansion packs + Golden ticket ARTifact

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