The London underground and subway is made up of one of the most complex tunnel systems in the world. As a commuter, […]
Slowly Slicing Through a Log Reveals an Alien World
Animating anything by hand using stop-motion techniques, one frame at a time, is a time-consuming and mind-numbing process. But in order to […]
Visualize the World by Imagining It With a Population of 100 People
Just take a step back and take a look at how big, small, unequal, inexplicable, and surprising the world is, explained in […]
And then there was irredescent blue skies…
He’s been chasing storms for eight years, but filmmaker Mike Olbinski called this event—a sunset that blasted a rare display of rolling […]
The Sourcebook: The Exogenous – 1
As I mentioned a few days ago, I was able to obtain some pages of this highly protected IC document that covers, […]
Blockchain Could Help Artists Profit More from Their Creative Works
Anyone who follows the cultural industries — art, music, publishing, theater, cinema — knows of the tussles between artists and those who […]
Persona 5’s impossibly cool sense of style helps set it apart
Even before you start playing, Persona 5 makes sure you know that it is just so effortlessly cool . A jazzy tune […]
New Designs Printed Directly From Urban Utility Covers by Berlin-Based Pirate Printers
Berlin-based art collective Raubdruckerin (which translates to pirate printer) ( previously ) uses elements of urban design to create guerilla printing presses, […]
“Paloma Blanca”- Georgie Dann
Don’t overthink this… just feel it Source: “Paloma Blanca”- Georgie Dann
Creativity and Coming to the Edge
Why are we so naturally attracted to the idea of creativity, but so often fail to think and act creatively? ‘Come to […]
This adidas shoe design has a Roland TR-808 drum machine built right in
For better or worse, the Roland TR-808 drum machine is responsible for innumerable hits, from the origins of hip-hop in the 1980s […]
Soundwave Tattoos Can Play Actual Music
Skin Motion’s augmented reality tattoos can be read and played back by a phone Get More Ideas With The PSFK Daily Newsletter […]