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Korean Webcomic Platform RIDI Hits Unicorn Status With GIC-Led Round
Whatever you do today…
Thanks, Vicki M
Demi Lovato Wants People to Stop Using Offensive Term ‘Aliens’ for Extraterrestrial Beings
The Grammy-nominated pop star turned professional UFO enthusiast discussed their new series and explained why they don’t use the word "aliens."
If You’re Under 40 You’re Gonna See Some Horrible Stuff, Scientists Say
Children born this year are going to live their lives on a drastically different planet Earth than any generations that came before them. Thanks to the largely unmitigated progression of global climate change, upcoming generations of people will be forced to endure several times more ecological disasters and dangerous bouts of extreme weather, […]
SpaceX Launching Satellite to Display Billboard Ads in Space
Orbital Billboards SpaceX is partnering with a Canadian tech startup to launch a digital billboard into orbit. Samuel Reid, CEO and co-founder of Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC), said that his company is partnering with SpaceX to launch an advertisement satellite, called a CubeSat, into space, according to Insider. The satellite would have a massive screen […]
Jennifer Aniston Reveals She Doesn’t Allow Unvaccinated People Around Her
Jennifer Aniston is keeping a boundary between herself and the unvaccinated.
The post Jennifer Aniston Reveals She Doesn’t Allow Unvaccinated People Around Her appeared first on GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT.
Published by Montreal-based Anteism, the limited edition MOKO MOKO DOKI DOKI by Misaki Kawai is both a book and an artwork. Every one of the 108 copies available (18 in each color—yellow, green, blue, red, pink or white) has a handmade fur cover. With images from the multidisciplinary artist’s fourth solo show at The Hole, this saddle-stitch bound book provides inspiration and off-kilter escapism.
Complete with lush gardens, hammocks and dripping with luxury take a look inside Dua Lipa’s bizarre multicolored AirBnB rental in Mexico that costs a modest $359 per night
Dua Lipa’s stardom seems to only be soaring by the day. And in enjoying every bit of it,…
The post Complete with lush gardens, hammocks and dripping with luxury take a look inside Dua Lipa’s bizarre multicolored AirBnB rental in Mexico that costs a modest $359 per night appeared first on Luxurylaunches.
Podcast: The Village Where Every Person’s Name Is a Song
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In this episode of The Atlas Obscura Podcast, we visit Kongthong, India, where every person’s name is a unique song, composed by their mothers within a week of birth as part of a centuries-old tradition.
Our podcast is an audio guide to the world’s wondrous, awe-inspiring, strange places. In under 15 minutes, we’ll take you to an incredible site, and along the way you’ll meet some fascinating people and hear their stories. Join us daily, Monday through Thursday, to explore a new wonder with cofounder Dylan Thuras and a neighborhood of Atlas Obscura reporters.
Iced Earth’s Jon Schaffer Had Feces and Urine Thrown at Him While in Jail for Role in US Capitol Riot: Report
The metal guitarist faces a likely sentence of 3.5 to 4.5 years in prison for the January 6th attack.
Iced Earth’s Jon Schaffer Had Feces and Urine Thrown at Him While in Jail for Role in US Capitol Riot: Report
Spencer Kaufman
Dubai Makes Artificial Rain With Drones That Shock Clouds
Dubai Makes Artificial Rain With Drones That Shock Clouds
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) uses drones that fly into clouds and deliver an electric shock to "cajole them" into producing precipitation amid dangerous heat waves regularly surpassing triple digits.
According to Daily Mail, UAE’s National Center of Meteorology (NCM) is flying drones equipped with electric-charge emission instruments that deliver an electric charge to air molecules, which generally encourage precipitation.
NCM has produced "monsoon-like downpours across the country" with drones to deter sweltering 122F heat. Footage shows Dubai battered with torrential rain produced by cloud seeding technology.
The country already uses cloud-seeding technology, such as dropping salt and other chemicals into clouds to stimulate precipitation.
The latest cloud seeding operations via drones is part of a $15 million program that is already producing rain in the country, which ranks one of the top driest in the world. The country has plenty of clouds, so triggering rainstorms with electrical charges via drones shouldn’t be an issue. Not every cloud will trigger, but seeding "increases the amount of rain by between five and 70 percent," Daily Mail said.
Rain triggered through cloud seeding is much cheaper than desalinated water, where about 42% of the country’s water originates.
Cloud seeding via drones has enormous potential and shows water can be tapped from the sky. This technology might be helpful to North and South America, where huge megadroughts impact water supplies and damage crops.
The downside to artificial rain in arid climates is that these areas aren’t well-positioned to handle downpours and may result in flash floods. There’s always a caveat when playing with Mother Nature.
Tyler Durden
Fri, 07/23/2021 – 19:20