Sabri Ben-Achour uses natural forces to produce crystal growths and other organic additions to his handmade ceramic vessels through his own unique method of electroforming. By using charged electrodes he is able to redeposit metal atoms from scrap metal onto his ceramic works in the form of bright blue crystal formations reminiscent of coral. These creations nearly cover the inside of each piece, becoming more detailed as they grow along the sculptures’ fissures and rims. More
Interactive LED Dome With Fadecandy, Processing and Kinect
WhatWhen in Dome is a 4.2m geodesic dome covered with 4378 LEDs. The LEDs are all individually mapped and addressable. They are controlled by Fadecandy and Processing on a Windows desktop. A Kinect is attached to one of the struts of the dome, so movement inside the dome can be tracked and people ca…
By: amygoodchild
Artificial Intelligence Creates Portraits Of People Who Don’t Exist And It’s Creepy
In a new paper published by NVIDIA researchers, they released portraits completely generated by artificial intelligence (GAN) but with a twist – none of the people in the images actually exist.
YouTuber builds glitter bomb that farts on unsuspecting package thieves
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Silent Planet by Martin Rak
Silent Planet by Martin Rak
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Wave Forms for Artists & Artisans: Free Vintage Design Guide to Japanese Waves
In Japan, an island nation, waves are symbols long found in a vast array of art, design and craft from around the country, which one author decided to systemize in a three-book series now available for free online. Myriad ancient wave and ripple examples were carefully compiled and catalogued in black ink by little-known artist …
The Myth of Western Democracy
The Myth of Western Democracy Paul Craig Roberts How does the West get away with its pretense of being an alliance of great democracies in which government is the servant of the people? Nowhere in the West, except possibly Hungary and Austria, does government serve the people. Who do the Western governments serve? Washington serves…
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Hundreds of Japanese Firework Illustrations Now Available for Free Download
In the early 20th-century English fireworks company C.R. Brock and Company (now known as Brocks Fireworks) published colorful catalogs displaying designs from Japanese companies such as Hirayama Fireworks and Yokoi Fireworks. Six catalogs of diverse pyrotechnic diagrams have been digitized and made available for download thanks to the city of Yokohama’s public library. If you don’t read Japanese, you can download each publication’s PDF by visiting their website, clicking one of the book’s English titles near the bottom of the page, and then clicking “本体PDF画像” link below the image. More
New Immersive Art and Virtual Reality Experience “Natura Obscura” Is Opening In January
Immersive artistry is certainly one of the newest cultural trends, especially in the western part of the US. Both the resurgence of interest in roadside attractions and the phenomenal popularity of Meow Wolf represent that trend on a large scale, but Denver’s art scene has been quick to catch on. The newest addition to the immersive […]
Night Imagined as a Human-like Figure in New Black and White Illustrations by David Álvarez
Illustrator David Álvarez (previously) is fascinated by working with shadows and light, finding black and white drawings to be one of his favorite ways to solve the images he conjures in his head. His most recent series, I Dreamed I Was the Night, follows a dark figure as it stalks, sits, and sleeps throughout the countryside. The night-cloaked being is dotted with twinkling stars, and in one particular illustration pulls a bright moon away from his face like a mask. More
SpaceFest! 2018: The DiS Review

We ventured to the industrial city of Gdansk for the eighth edition of SpaceFest
Dolomites by Malthe Rendtorff Zimakoff