Artist Betsy Youngquist creates three-dimensional mixed media utilizing beadwork, crystals, and found doll parts like eyes, mouths, and hands. The elements merge to create surreal creatures that exist between human and animal, mixing animated facial features with long tentacles or hooves. For the works, Youngquist and her partner R. Scott Long first cut apart antique doll heads to determine what sort of animal the face might inspire. Next, Long sculpts a form for the sculpture and Youngquist adheres an assemblage of glass beads, stones, and eyes. More
Wil Wheaton Discusses His Departure From Social Media
Wil Wheaton is free from the bonds of social media. Wheaton made a big deal out of leaving Twitter on the organized DeactiDay, which was a virtual walkout over Twitter’s lack of policing harassment. In particular, Wheaton was among those that had hoped to see Twitter ban controversial conspiracy theorist ‘Info Wars’ host Alex Jones. After announcing his Twitter split, Wheaton headed to a new service called Mastadon but was promptly driven away by the toxic fandom he found there. Among the subjects of attacks against him, was his failure to condemn his friend Chris Hardwick after he was accused of mental and sexual abuse by his ex-girlfriend Chloe Dykstra. In his final tweet, Wheaton wrote: “Twitter is broken. You deserve better than an app that tolerates and welcomes the spreading of abuse and misinformation. Being part of this is not doing us any good. Personally, politically, socially. For a day, a week, forever: your call. It’s just a good time to go.” Then, after his negative experience on Mastodon, he announced: “I found a harsh reality that I’m still trying to process: thousands of people who don’t know me, who have never interacted with me, who internalized a series of […]
Read original article at: Wil Wheaton Discusses His Departure From Social Media
Introducing The Playroom: an interactive synthesizer space
Introducing The Playroom: an interactive synthesizer space
Sep 07, 2018
Imagine being able to play, record, and discover the beautiful history of vintage and contemporary synthesizers in one special space. Introducing The Playroom will be a beautiful open space created for people to take advantage of the huge SMEM (Swiss Museum & Center for Electronic Music Instruments) collection located in Fribourg, Switzerland. They will also host lectures, workshops, classes, and more. And for a hands-on experience, The Playroom can be rented for private recordings, events, and parties. Support them now on Kickstarter
We want to create The Playroom, a place dedicated to learning about, playing with, and sharing the incredible history of electronic music instruments!
SMEM invited artists like Yello, Timber Timbre, Legowelt, Alienata, Franz Treichler from the Young Gods, and more to come visit their electronic instrument collection, and their reaction was unanimous: the instruments had to be usable. As such, The Playroom will not only be a unique space where visitors can spend a few hours recording their own music and synth experiments, but also a venue for talks, music workshops, and more. The Playroom will be a unique establishment featuring electronic synths, their history, uses, and more. The space will be made specially for visitors to play with, learn about, and record instruments and effects—all from SMEM’s expansive collection.
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What this space looks like
Some kids do that—they imprint on empty objects, they give them stories and opinions and a will, until they feel half-inhabited even to grownups, who have to pretend that they care how Chrissy’s blanket feels about things for so long that one day when Chrissy’s at school they step on the blanket and apologize. I did it with anything, when I was young; my toys were always in the middle of some intense plot that nobody outside could understand.
Artifact Seems Like A Very Valve Card Game

There are two things in this world that Valve evidently loves more than anything: hands-off approaches and the invisible hand of the market. And wouldn’t you know it: DOTA 2 card game Artifact is gonna have plenty of both.
Artifact, a collaboration between Valve and Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield, is coming out in a couple months, which means information about the systems surrounding the game itself is starting to trickle out. In an interview with, Garfield and Valve programmer Jeep Barnett explained how players will be able to earn cards.
In short: they won’t.
Cards, Garfield and Barnett said, will only be attainable through Artifact’s marketplace—in packs, or individually from other players. The game, which will cost $20, will come with two standardized starter decks and ten packs of random cards, but beyond that, it’s the marketplace or nothing. This means there’ll be “zero grinding,” but also means that you’ll have to fork over cash for shiny new cards like you’re playing, well, Magic: The Gathering—a game that can be prohibitively expensive if you’re looking to be anything more than a filthy (but also perfectly reasonable) casual.
Garfield said the hope is that common cards will remain viable enough that even penniless players will be able to get by, but it remains to be seen whether or not that aspiration will come to pass.
Artifact will also, said Garfield and Barnett, feature live chat during matches. True to Valve form, there are currently no plans to moderate it.
“Psychologically, we find that people misbehave when there is somebody else to observe them misbehaving,” Barnett said. “When it’s a one-on-one game, what is my motivation for saying something awful?”
Off the top of my head: to cause anger, to cause embarrassment, because people are watching you stream, to rattle somebody and gain an artificial upper hand, or—last but certainly not least—simply because there are no apparent consequences to their actions.
For now, though, this is what Valve is going with. We’ll see how it all turns out in November.
You’re reading Steamed, Kotaku’s page dedicated to all things in and around Valve’s PC gaming service.

Koyorin is a freelance character designer and illustrator who has worked in video and board games.
You can see more of Koyorin’s work at their ArtStation and Facebook pages.
Fine Art is a celebration of the work of video game artists, showcasing the best of both their professional and personal portfolios. If you’re in the business and have some concept, environment, promotional or character art you’d like to share, get in touch!

The E-Waste Apocalypse Looms
What does post-apocalyptic technology look like? Well, that kind of depends on the apocalypse. Regardless of the cause, we’ll need to be clever and resourceful and re-learn ancient crafts like weaving and pottery-making. After all, the only real apocalyptic constants are the needs of the survivors. Humans need clothing and other textiles. Fortunately, weaving doesn’t require electricity—just simple mechanics, patience, and craftsmanship.
If it turns out the apocalypse is scheduled for tomorrow, we’ll have piles and piles of e-waste as fodder for new-old looms. This adorable loom is a mashup of old and new technologies that [Kati Hyyppä] built at …read more
buckminster fuller made posters of his own work and they’re now for sale
the series of thirteen posters made by buckminster fuller himself looks a bit like fan art even if they’re not.
The post buckminster fuller made posters of his own work and they’re now for sale appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
The goal of wargaming is to find a solution (or likely outcome) by having two or more teams compete against each other. It’s a way of exploring the future. Typically physical maps and counters are used because they are easier and cheaper to create than a constructive simulation which would otherwise provide a greater realism. With our TeamXp software, we marry the physical and virtual – integrating the convenience of paper-based games with the immersion and data collection capabilities of digital. There are several advantages to digitizing paper-based wargames: (a) players and the exercise control team don’t need to be physically […]
Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 Year Cigar
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The memoir by Steve Jobs’ daughter makes clear he was a truly rotten person whose bad behavior was repeatedly enabled by those around him (AAPL)
- It’s been well-established that Apple cofounder Steve Jobs often acted like a jerk.
- But in a new memoir, Jobs’ eldest daughter recounts the many ways he was cruel to her.
- The newly revealed anecdotes add color to the many stories of how Jobs was mean or rude to employees and business partners.
- The net effect is that Jobs looks like a truly terrible person.
- His rotten behavior was enabled by his wife, his colleagues, and his business partners.
- It’s hard to say whether his business achievements outweigh his cruelty, but they certainly got more attention during his lifetime — and helped enable his bad behavior.
It’s no surprise that Steve Jobs was a jerk.
There have been plenty of accounts over the years that have detailed his cruelty, rudeness, and miserliness to workers, business partners, and even family and friends.
Still, the stories that have come out so far from "Small Fry," the new autobiography from his daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs are shocking. Jobs comes across not just as someone who could be self-centered and mean, but someone who was a truly terrible human being.
We’ve known for years now that Jobs initially denied being Brennan-Jobs’ father and didn’t start paying child support until after a DNA test proved he was father and he was ordered to do so by a court. We’ve also known that he denied for years that Apple’s Lisa computer, which it debuted right before the Macintosh, was named for his daughter — before finally admitting it to her and the world.
But Brennan-Jobs’ book adds fresh details on how awful he was to her. He rarely saw her when she was a young child, even after admitting his paternity. While he was avoiding her and avoiding paying child support — despite already having founded and making money at Apple — she and her mother lived in poverty, subsisting on welfare payments, her mother’s low-paying jobs, and the charity of others. When he was finally forced to pay child support, he made sure that the case against him was closed days before Apple went public and he became a multimillionaire.
Even after Jobs started paying more attention to Brennan-Jobs, her mother, Chrisann Brennan, apparently felt uncomfortable leaving him with her alone after an incident in which he questioned and teased the then-nine-year-old Brennan-Jobs about her sexual attractions and proclivities.
"We’re cold people"
Then, when Brennan-Jobs went to live with him as a teenager, he forbade her from seeing Brennan for six months, even though her mother had been the only constant figure in her life up to then. After moving in with them, Brennan-Jobs told him and her stepmother, Laurene Powell-Jobs, that she felt lonely and asked that they tell her goodnight in the evenings. Instead of acknowledging her feelings and acceding to such a simple request, Powell-Jobs responded, "We’re cold people."
But there’s more. Once, as Jobs groped his wife and pretended to be having sex with her, he demanded that Brennan-Jobs stay in the room, calling it a "family moment." He repeatedly withheld money from her, told her that she would get "nothing" from his wealth — and even refused to install heat in her bedroom.
When she started to become active in her high school, getting involved in clubs and running for student government, Jobs — the one, again, who previously refused to acknowledge his paternity and spent almost no time with her when she was little — got on Brennan-Jobs for not spending more time with the family, telling her, "This isn’t working out. You’re not succeeding as a member of this family."
At one point, neighbors of the family were so worried about Brennan-Jobs that they helped her move into their house. They also helped her pay for college.
It’s bad to treat employees and significant others poorly. But it’s really evil to inflict such pain on a child. We knew Jobs was a bully toward many people. Now we know he was one to his own daughter.
Brennan-Jobs comes across as a survivor of abuse
These are only excerpts from the book, which goes on sale September 4, so we don’t have the full picture. And of course, they’re the recollections of one person, with all the emotional baggage and bias that entails. Powell-Jobs and Jobs’ sister have said in a statement that the book "differs dramatically from our memories of those times."
But in her book, Brennan-Jobs brings up these incidents not to condemn Jobs, but to make peace with them and him. She aims to forgive him and move on.
That’s her choice and her right. But, as others have pointed out, what she endured was something many people would now consider child abuse — the intentional infliction of emotional cruelty. And in trying to find a way to forgive and understand him, she is reacting similar to other child abuse survivors.
This is a staggering tale of child abuse, and the fact that the author doesn’t recognize the it and the reporter treats it as mercurial cruelness rather than the archetypal pattern of abuse is the saddest part of all.
— Jacob Bacharach (@jakebackpack) August 23, 2018
In ‘Small Fry,’ Steve Jobs Comes Across as a Jerk. His Daughter Forgives Him. Should We? // Wow… "Jerk" is not the word. *Abuser* is the word. I understand this is her story to tell but… objectively this was a life of incredible abuse.
— Jodi Jacobson (@jljacobson) August 23, 2018
This is hard to read and walk away with what Brennan-Jobs wants you to. It depicts abuse and the victim coming up with reasons/excuses for it.
— Selena (@selenalarson) August 23, 2018
In trying to find a way to excuse her father, Brennan-Jobs is following a long line of people, all of whom are much more culpable than her for his behavior. Generally, the only way to get a bully to back off is to stand up to him and for others to do so on behalf of his targets; in Jobs’ case, too few people did.
When it concerned his behavior toward Brennan-Jobs, his wife, Powell-Jobs, clearly didn’t stand up to him. When it concerned his behavior to employees and business partners, his colleagues just as obviously didn’t.
Jobs had remarkable achievements — and was unbelievably cruel
I don’t know how the cosmic balancing stick weighs something as complicated as a person’s life, but I do think Brennan-Jobs’ book puts the other stories about Jobs, the ones about how he treated his employees, colleagues and partners, in a different light. They make him seem less like a driven leader who was sometimes harsh to achieve his goals and more like a cruel person who succeeded because those around him accommodated and acquiesced to his awfulness.
Jobs is rightly praised for his role in resurrecting Apple. When he took charge, the company was a few months away from bankruptcy. When he left Apple right before his death, it already was the most important consumer technology company in the world and was well on its way to becoming the behemoth it is now. Given the generally poor track record of corporate managers in turning around seemingly hopeless situations, it’s quite possible that only Jobs could have saved Apple and put it on that path.
And that’s no small achievement. In turning around the company, Jobs saved thousands of jobs and helped to create thousands more. He also made lots of people inside and outside the company very rich.
The positive side of Jobs’ ledger also includes his role in creating some of the most influential products of the last 50 years — the iPhone, the Mac, the iPad, the iPod, and the original Apple computers. Maybe similar products could and would have been created without him. But there’s no denying that he had a leading role in shaping how billions of people interact with technology, in many ways for the better.
We too often glorify business leaders and ignore their failings
Of course even those achievements are leavened by less laudable ones, such as his overseeing of Apple’s outsourcing of thousands of factory jobs overseas and the convoluted contortions it made to avoid paying taxes. He also headed the company and personally benefited when it backdated stock options to make them more valuable, but let other executives take the fall. Oh, and he repeatedly yelled at employees and publicly embarrassed them.
And that’s not to mention his antics during his first tenure at Apple, such as how he attempted to undermine then-CEO John Sculley and refused to give stock options to one of Apple’s first employees.
In the end, did his business achievements outweigh the cruelty he inflicted on others? I don’t know.
I do know that we too often glorify business leaders for their achievements without taking a close look at who they are as human beings and how their actions — both personal and professional — affect those around them and the wider world. I also believe that focus on their accomplishments helps enables their bad behavior.
That certainly seemed to be the case with Steve Jobs.
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