I’m a firm believer that if you ever have enough money in your bank account for a plane ticket, you should seriously consider a trip to Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Forget Disneyland, forget the Grand Canyon, and forget Las Vegas — Meow Wolf is the closest thing we’ll ever get to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, and every person should see it at least once in their life.
‘Kids’ Stand Out Among E3 Crowd
Finding the right words to describe “Kids,” the latest multimedia project from Swiss developer Playables, is entirely open to interpretation. To those in-the-know about director Michael Frei’s work, it is an upcoming animated short film. To a group of Swiss children who attended a temporary art exhibit last winter, “Kids” is a room of toys […]
New book examines how sci-fi and William S. Burroughs transformed David Bowie into Ziggy Stardust
In 1972, David Bowie was a rising singer/songwriter with a few hits to his name — songs that would later become legendary, like "Space Oddity" and "Moonage Daydream" — but he’d been largely absent from the public eye. He’d been releasing albums, to be sure, and found some kind of audience, but he wasn’t the icon we know. He wasn’t Bowie yet.
Then one night that February, in a dance hall called Toby Jug in southwest London, Ziggy Stardust was born.
Crypto Manga – Comic Book Series to Spread Cryptocurrency Awareness
The first issue of a crypto comic book series called Shonen Crypto has been released. Readers can learn about various aspects of cryptocurrencies as they follow the characters in this manga which aims to be both educational and entertaining. News.Bitcoin.com talked with the comic book’s Editor-in-Chief to learn more. Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into […]
The post Crypto Manga – Comic Book Series to Spread Cryptocurrency Awareness appeared first on Bitcoin News.
MULTIVERSE – The eternal birth and death of infinite parallel universes
The Game
Get The 1st Edition Teegla Game it Ships Sign up below for Pre-Game Access * indicates required Email Address * First Name […]
Black concrete home is made up of nine separate buildings
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This Modern Scratch and Sniff Wallpaper Line Is Literally Bananas
Flavor Paper has taken Willy Wonka’s wallpaper idea to the next level (minus the licking). It’s released three scratch and sniff wallpaper designs that are cool enough to adorn the walls of any modern space. Tommy Hilfiger papered three of the bathrooms in his Miami home with the citrus design. Deeta Von Teese chose a […]
The post This Modern Scratch and Sniff Wallpaper Line Is Literally Bananas appeared first on Freshome.com.
World’s First 3D-Printed Concrete Housing Project to be Built in Eindhoven
The Dutch city of Eindhoven is to host the world’s first commercial housing project based on 3D-concrete printing, with the first of five planned houses due to start construction this year. The units were developed by a collaborative team including the Eindhoven University of Technology and will be purchased and let out by a real estate company upon completion.
Releases: Okuda – “Mickey’s Skull”
Spanish artist Okuda recently released a beautiful series of skulls featuring his distinctive patterned artwork. Produced in a run of 33, each Mickey’s Skull will come signed and numbered, measure 30x30x30cm, and feature a unique and vibrant color scheme. Collectors looking for a sculptural edition from the street artist, who often creates public sculptures, can head over here to learn more.
Discuss Okuda here.
The Tarantula Nebula is very, very big
If you leave our Milky Way galaxy and back away from it — and even at the speed of light this will take, oh, two or three hundred thousand years, so pack a lunch — you’ll see we’re surrounded by dozens of much smaller galaxies. Two stand out, though: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, the biggest of the bunch, though still tiny compared to the mighty Milky Way.
Fifty-One Portals to the Future, in Story Form: Gigantic Worlds
I’ve been meaning to read Gigantic Worlds for two years, and I’m so glad I finally got to it! A 2015 collection of science flash fiction, Gigantic Worlds is assembled by Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto (full disclosure: I know both of them, and they’re great) and published by Gigantic Books, a spinoff of Gigantic magazine. […]

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