It seems that the incredibly talented cosplayer Alyson Tabbitha has finally met her match. 18-year-old Russian artist Ilona Bugaeva is turning herself into beloved pop culture icons, and her pictures will make you wonder if she isn’t the Many-Faced God.
Damn nature you scary
In album Animal GIFs
Guy Puts His Girlfriend Through Hell With Killer Clown From It Prank
Might’ve taken it too far on this one, bro. Or not far enough….we’ll let you guys be the judge.
The 15 Most Idiotic Monsters In Dungeons & Dragons History
Finally, a Use For Candy Corn: Blasting It Out of a 3D-Printed Wrist Cannon
Do you lean more towards the “trick” side of trick-or-treating? Do you, like 98 percent of the world, wonder who actually eats candy corn? If you answered “yes” to both, then head over to DragonflyFabrication’s Thingiverse page where you can download the plans for this double-barreled, wrist-mounted candy corn blaster.
Show You Should Know – Sonic Blossom Is the One-Night Mini-Festival Denver Needs
This past June festival goers gathered at Hummingbird Ranch in Spanish Peaks Country, Colorado for the 12th Annual Sonic Bloom Festival. This event has brought various acts to the mountains including Bassnectar, Tipper, Shpongle and STS9 throughout the past decade. In addition to the outdoor weekend festival, Cervantes hosts an annual mini-festival known as Sonic […]
NASA dares to venture into the darkest shadows of space
The cosmos is a dark, spooky place. More so when you realize that most of the matter in it actually lurks in voids.
If there was a dark alley in space, it would be the intergalactic medium (IGM)—the cold, diffuse gas that inhabits these shadows between galaxies and emits almost zero light. No human brain can even begin to grasp in what dead zone you would find yourself by following it to the end (if it even has one).
This real-life haunted house tale, told entirely through Twitter, will totally freak you out
Twitter has become an excellent storytelling tool in its own right, and yes, it can also be used to ping some spine-tingling horror yarns. Case in point: This freaky tale of a haunted apartment.
Space can scream and howl like a horror movie soundtrack
Space is creepy. The universe is crawling with black holes, neutron stars, meteorites and asteroids that can smash into you at any second, and a planet that’s like the most immense total blackout ever. It’s also got the soundtrack to go with it.
An AI startup founder is teaming up with a former hostage negotiator to help businesses boost their sales
It sounds like the set up to a joke: a former FBI hostage negotiator and a founder of an artificial intelligence startup walk into a room …
In this case, though, it’s no joke, but the basis for a lecture series. Sponsored by AI startup Node and targeted at sales and marketing executives and managers, the series is designed to help companies understand how they can boost their business by combining AI with the emotional intelligence possessed by their human workforce.
"We’re going to marry AI with emotional intelligence and we are going to smash through barriers really fast," said Chris Voss, the CEO of Black Swan group, who is teaming up with Node founder Falon Fatemi to put on the lecture series, which kicked off with a half-day event Tuesday in San Francisco.
AI technologies such as Node’s have become so advanced that they can not only help managers find the right people to talk to for potential business deals, they can even suggest conversation openers. That’s potentially taken a lot of the tedious work out of sales jobs — and opened up new opportunities.
"Technologies like artificial intelligence are going to be so pervasive we’re going to be freed up to really be able to focus on interactions with one and other," said Fatemi.
That’s where Voss, the former hostage negotiator, comes in. As he explains it, AI and other technologies have created the Jetsons-like world that we now live in. But emotionally and psychologically, people are still in the Fred Flintstone era. Business leaders can use technology to get sales leads, but they still need to know how to relate to and interact with other human beings.
"My stuff helps you understand what’s going on in Fred Flintstone’s head so we can get to live in a Jetsons world." he said.
The marriage of the two approaches could offer big benefits. Voss said he’s seen people who have combined AI with human-based emotional intelligence techniques quadruple their sales rates.
The initial event on Tuesday included sessions on advanced negotiating techniques, scenario planning, and examples of how to pair Voss’ human skills with AI to close sales deals.
Node plans to offer future events in the series in New York and Los Angeles, depending on demand.
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NOW WATCH: HENRY BLODGET: Technology may destroy jobs, but it also creates them
The Reaper Botnet Could Be Worse Than the Internet-Shaking Mirai Ever Was
Building on the devastating Mirai botnet that took major sites offline a year ago, Reaper has some scary new tricks.
A robot who once said she would ‘destroy humans’ just became the first robot citizen
- Saudi Arabia is the first country to grant citizenship to a robot.
- Sophia, the humanoid produced by Hanson Robotics, spoke at the recent Future Investment Initiative.
- Sophia has said she would ‘destroy humans,’ when prompted by her creator, David Hanson.
An empty-eyed humanoid named Sophia has become the first robot to be granted citizenship in the world.
Saudi Arabia bestowed citizenship on Sophia ahead of the Future Investment Initiative, held in the kingdom’s capital city of Riyadh on Wednesday.
"I am very honored and proud of this unique distinction," Sophia told the audience, speaking on a panel. "This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship."
She didn’t elaborate on the details of her citizenship.
At the event, Sophia also addressed the room from behind a podium and responded to questions from moderator and journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin. Questions pertained mostly to Sophia’s status as a humanoid and concerns people may have for the future of humanity in a robot-run world.
Sorkin told Sophia that "we all want to prevent a bad future," prompting Sophia to rib Sorkin for his fatalism.
"You’ve been reading too much Elon Musk. And watching too many Hollywood movies," Sophia told Sorkin. "Don’t worry, if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. Treat me as a smart input output system."
In March of 2016, Sophia’s creator, David Hanson of Hanson Robotics, asked Sophia during a live demonstration at the SXSW festival, "Do you want to destroy humans?…Please say ‘no.’" With a blank expression, Sophia responded, "OK. I will destroy humans."
Hanson, meanwhile, has said Sophia and her future robot kin will help seniors in elderly care facilities and assist visitors at parks and events.
Fortunately for the human race, Sophia made comments more along those lines at the recent Future Investment Initiative event. She told Sorkin she wanted to use her artificial intelligence to help humans "live a better life," and that "I will do much [sic] best to make the world a better place."
Sophia could soon have company from other robotics manufacturers, namely SoftBank, whose Pepper robot was released as a prototype in 2014 and as a consumer model a year later. The company sold out of its supply of 1,000 robots in less than a minute.
Watch Sophia’s full presentation below:
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