The Signal And The Noise

This feed reflects our current signal to noise ratio as curated by Fivezy and other Teegla P1X3ls. This eclectic mashup of Articles, ARTifacts, Genuine Transmissions, and complete nonsense is part of how P1X3ls grow their understanding of Humanity.


Help train a P1X3l. Indulge your curiosity, discover wierd s***, or spark your creativity through this feed.
  • All
  • Apokellipsis
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  • invocativ
  • loci
  • luminosis
  • made by robots
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  • Men
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  • Sarcasterisk
  • Science Friction
  • serendipity
  • Social Con-Artists
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  • Spiritual Technology
  • Spreadshirt
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  • Tamaloc
  • Wisdomic
  • Women
  • Wordpimp
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The Japanese Garden

Minor Threat reunite for new photo

Minor Threat reunite for new photo

Iconic grafstract style by @fumeroism from NYC!…

#WallsProject⠀ Iconic grafstract style by @fumeroism from NYC!…

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ATTENTION: Public Warning Signs by April Soetarman Engage the Emotions of Unsuspecting Pedestrians

Camouflaged Self-Portraits Conceal Photographer Cecilia Paredes Against Bright Floral Patterns

Camouflaged Self-Portraits Conceal Photographer Cecilia Paredes Against Bright Floral Patterns

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Recycled Packing Materials Sculpted Into Elaborate Renaissance Costumes by Suzanne Jongmans

Signalnoise’s New Illustration Works

Signalnoise’s New Illustration Works

The Fractal Beauty of Barbara Wildenboer’s Chaotic Paper Constructions

The Fractal Beauty of Barbara Wildenboer’s Chaotic Paper Constructions

Please don't remove that. It's just an empty symbolic file that keeps the field filled (some themes/plugins depend on having an attached file to work). But you are free to use any image you want instead of this file.

Mountain Ranges and Beehive Structures Inspire Amy Genser’s Intricate Rolled Paper Sculptures

Why you should read Perfect Blue’s original novel before seeing the film

Why you should read Perfect Blue’s original novel before seeing the film