Introducing The Playroom: an interactive synthesizer spaceAoiroStudio
Sep 07, 2018
Imagine being able to play, record, and discover the beautiful history of vintage and contemporary synthesizers in one special space. Introducing The Playroom will be a beautiful open space created for people to take advantage of the huge SMEM (Swiss Museum & Center for Electronic Music Instruments) collection located in Fribourg, Switzerland. They will also host lectures, workshops, classes, and more. And for a hands-on experience, The Playroom can be rented for private recordings, events, and parties. Support them now on Kickstarter
We want to create The Playroom, a place dedicated to learning about, playing with, and sharing the incredible history of electronic music instruments!
SMEM invited artists like Yello, Timber Timbre, Legowelt, Alienata, Franz Treichler from the Young Gods, and more to come visit their electronic instrument collection, and their reaction was unanimous: the instruments had to be usable. As such, The Playroom will not only be a unique space where visitors can spend a few hours recording their own music and synth experiments, but also a venue for talks, music workshops, and more. The Playroom will be a unique establishment featuring electronic synths, their history, uses, and more. The space will be made specially for visitors to play with, learn about, and record instruments and effects—all from SMEM’s expansive collection.
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What this space looks likeSwitzerland
press release