He disappeared! Is he rejecting you … or is it normal male behavior? |
A man is sometimes capable of making a woman feel as though she’s lost his love when, in reality, his love for her is still as strong as it ever was. In Mars Venus language, the male behaviors that can prompt feelings of rejection in a woman are referred to as the “Cave” and the “Rubber Band.” This article delves into the symptoms of these “afflictions,” how they affect men, and how a woman can better understand why the man she loves has suddenly put her on the back burner … and what can be done to cope with it.
Going into HidingIn the simplest terms, a man goes into the cave when he wants to be alone to think, or rather not think, about a problem that’s currently weighing on his mind. Any number of reasons – from work to finances to health – could send him heading for his cave and, subsequently, leave a woman in the dust feeling confused and wronged. When a man is in the cave, he tends to lose all awareness of a woman’s needs. He’s focused on occupying himself with activities that distract him from his stress. So you might find him doing anything but working to solve the issue he’s dealing with, which can be baffling. Unfortunately, a man usually doesn’t warn the woman in his life that he’ll be emotionally inaccessible for a while. And that’s where the problems begin. When a man doesn’t explain to a woman that he’s heading into his cave, she’s left to think about all the possible things that could be causing his disappearance. Even if, rationally, she knows he’s preoccupied with work issues or the like, a woman may very well come to the conclusion, “He must be upset with me,” because his absence feels awful. And then she begins to worry. Paranoia, neglect, unhappiness can all settle in and drive a woman to make the not so wise decision to hover around the man’s cave, or worse, enter it. |