Grab A Deck, Find Your Friends...And
Play SIGNAL. Overpower NOISE. Win valuable ARTIFACTS

Teegla is a story-driven "Co-petitive" card game with a digital side.
Game elements includes: bidding, deck building, hand management, trick taking, and some, "take that!" action should players choose it.
Each deck, is based on the stories we plan to publish in the Teegla anthology...Stories that ask the question, "What does it mean to be human...in an age such as this?"
Each deck includes 108 cards of 5 kinds.
44 - NOISE
4X - SCORE Cards
1 game takes between 25-60 minutes to complete. Playtime increase with more RESCEPTRS in play. The default is 7 RESCEPTRS but you can play less for a shorter game.
It's fun to play solo, but the game is designed for 2 -4 Players. Try combining multiple decks if playing with more than 4 friends.
Begin your journey as an Acolyte.
Play your SIGNAL to Overpower the NOISE and to Sonance (Win) RESCEPTRS...The player with the most victory points (PXL) after all RESCEPTRS are won is the winner.
*Expand any of the sections below to learn more...

Setup & Play
"Many Walk, Few Set a Path, One will complete the journey"
(Play videos in full screen mode for best results)
Learn How to Play in less than 7 Minutes
Opening the box, through winning the game.
We will use the training deck for each of the examples in this section. You can apply this knowledge to whichever deck you are playing
Click on the yellow arrows beside each title for a detailed explanation of that step.

Each Deck includes magical items of 5 kinds...
SIGNAL (x44) - Play SIGNAL to Overpower the NOISE, and to Sonance, (Win) RESCEPTRS.
NOISE (x44) - Combine NOISE into a powerful Cacophony and Glom, (Join to) to every RESCEPTR. The NOISE opposes Acolytes and wins the game by forging Dark RESCEPTRS.
RESCEPTR (x12) - Gain victory points (PXL) each time you tune a Frequency of a RESCEPTR. Tune every Frequency to Sonance (win) a RESCEPTR.
SONANCER (x4) - Use your SONANCER to Clash SIGNAL and NOISE in a test of strength, and to Resonate the mysterious powers of SIGNAL. Flip over to Play as a FR3ND of the NOOM and take power from the NOISE.
SCORE (x4) - Keep track of your SCORE and earn power upgrades to your SONANCER.

To generate a Portal...
Draw 7 RESCEPTRS from the deck or from players' collections.
Play them face-up to the center of gameplay.
Organize them into shape with the top left corner of each RESCEPTR facing out.
The Portal is now live and ready to play.

NOISE, like a static charge, Gloms (Joins to) every RESCEPTR. It grows, combining its strength (dB) into a Cacophony until the RESCEPTR is Overpowered.
EXAMPLE: The strength of this Cacophony is 10dB stronger than the RESCEPTR. The RESCEPTR is Overpowered.
How to Glom a Cacophony of NOISE...
Draw up to 5 NOISE, Glomming them in descending order until the RESCEPTR is Overpowered.
The NOISE that Overpowers the RESCEPTR is placed sideways to show that the Cacophony cannot grow any stronger.
Glom a Cacophony to every RESCEPTR the NOISE has not Overpowered at the start of the game, and before you Play it.

Each Player Draws a 5 Signal hand at the start of the game...and to end each turn.
"A SIGNAL is the sum of its Frequencies, everything emanates from them..."
- KIND - There are 7 Kinds of SIGNAL.
- Each kind is represented by a colorful icon, or...Key Frequency. The Key Frequency is always the largest and strongest Frequency at the top of the card, and the small icon at the bottom of the card, (used for tuning other SIGNAL and RESCEPTRS).
- STRENGTH - strength is based on number of Frequencies and is measured in decibels (dBs).
- The more Frequencies, the higher the dBs, the stronger it is.
- Stronger SIGNAL have a more powerful Resonance (special ability).
- Weaker SIGNAL Wins more Clashes against the NOISE (combat ability).
- RESONANCE - A special ability characteristic of both the kind and strength of a SIGNAL.
- You must Resonate a SIGNAL to activate its ability.
- This happens when each Resonant Frequency of a SIGNAL is tuned. (visit the SIGNAL section for full details.)
"One skilled in Sonancing plays the song at the heart of the world...into the world."
A SONANCER is an instrument for the Mystikal art of Sonancing and...a weapon.
In skilled hands, a SONANCER can do many things...
Draw SIGNAL and NOISE from a RESCEPTR to Clash in Battle for a chance to Tune the RESCEPTR and Score.
A SONANCER is used to Resonate SIGNAL and activate its special abilities, (its Resonance)
Tip :: A SONANCER can hold SIGNAL with a combined strength equal to its dB. Playing SIGNAL to your Sonancer frees up space in your hand while allowing you to store SIGNAL you intend to Play later or Tune with SIGNAL over multiple turns.
Tune a RESCEPTR with SIGNAL, (Sonancing)
Tip :: SIGNAL or NOISE surviving the Clash are Played face-up from your SONANCER to the RESCEPTR they were Drawn from. It's generally a good idea to Play SIGNAL to RESCEPTRS where Frequencies Match.

Place your SONANCER on top of your SCORE card to track your winnings.
- Score "PXL" (victory points) each time you Tune a Frequency of any RESCEPTR.
- Gain powerups (+dB) to your SONANCER as your SCORE climbs.
Reset your counter once you exceed the highest value on your SCORE. 100PXL becomes 1100PXL...and so on as you keep scoring
*The winner of the game is the Player with the most PXL after all RESCEPTRS are won.

It's time to Play...
The Portal is generated...the NOISE is Glommed...and SIGNAL are Drawn...It's time to test your skills.

Play The Game
On your turn you may...
Play Any, or All SIGNAL from your hand, face-down to Any RESCEPTR, or face-up to your SONANCER, (SIGNAL played to your SONANCER cannot exceed the dB of your SONANCER)
Resonate any SIGNAL Played to your Sonancer to activate its special abilities (see example below).
- Clash SIGNAL against NOISE from Any RESCEPTR where the SIGNAL Overpowers the NOISE. SIGNAL or NOISE surviving the Clash are Played face-up back to the RESCEPTR for a chance to Score.
Draw back, (or down) to a 5 SIGNAL hand to end your turn.
SIGNAL, like the NOISE, combine their strength (dBs) when Played in Harmony.
EXAMPLE: This Harmony of SIGNAL is 40 dB stronger than the Cacophony...The Cacophony is Overpowered and ready to Clash.
EXAMPLE: Resonant Frequencies have a subtle halo around them. Play SIGNAL from your hand Matching each of the Resonant Frequencies of the SIGNAL you want to activate. Play These SIGNAL upside-down and behind to show they are tuning the SIGNAL.
*SIGNAL tuning another do not count towards the dB limit of your Sonancer. Nix (discard) them to Resonate the SIGNAL they are tuning.

Clash SIGNAL and NOISE from Any RESCEPTR where the Harmony of SIGNAL is stronger than the Cacophony of NOISE.
How to Clash!
Gather the SIGNAL and NOISE you are Clashing from the RESCEPTR into their own piles. Keep their play order intact.
Flip each pile face up, and place them to either side of your SONANCER.
Clash! the top SIGNAL from the pile against the top NOISE from the pile until only SIGNAL or NOISE remain.
Play the remaining SIGNAL or NOISE face-up to any RESCEPTR with Matching Frequencies, or to any RESCEPTR if no Frequencies Match.
*For more details check out the full section on how to Clash!
Both the SIGNAL and the NOISE are formed from a combination of colorful icons...or Frequencies. Frequencies are in order from the largest and strongest, down to the smallest and weakest.
How to Decide the winner...
Compare the largest pair of Matching Frequencies. The SIGNAL or NOISE with the largest Matching Frequency wins the Clash!
- If Matching Frequencies are tied, compare the next largest pair until you determine the winner.
WIN or LOSE: Nix! (Discard) the loser and Clash! the winner against the next SIGNAL or NOISE from the pile until only SIGNAL or NOISE remain.
- Beware! The NOISE activates its "Dissonance" (special ability) once per turn when it wins a Clash.
TIE or MISS: A Clash ending in a tie is won by the strongest SIGNAL or NOISE as measured in (dB) or by the most Frequencies. Nix both in the rare event of a perfect tie.
*Your turn...Try and work out the winner of the Clash from the example below, or check out the section on Clashing SIGNAL and NOISE for a detailed explanation.

Each RESCEPTR has a set of Frequencies that must be Tuned before a RESCEPTR can be won...This is the Mystikal art of "Sonancing".
Beware! NOISE Glomming the RESCEPTR can also Tune these Frequencies. Forge a DARK RESCEPTR if the NOISE Tunes them all. Dark RESCEPTRS are placed in the Trove (Flip the top of the box beneath the bottom to form the TROVE).
How To Sonance a RESCEPTR...
Overpower all NOISE from the RESCEPTR.
Tune a Key Frequency of the RESCEPTR with Matching SIGNAL.
Sonance (Win) The RESCEPTR once all Frequencies are Tuned by SIGNAL.
- Collect your Sonanced RESCEPTR from the Portal.

Score PXL (victory points) when you tune a Frequency of a RESCEPTR, and when you Sonance (Win) a RESCEPTR.
- Score 100 "PXL" for each Frequency of a RESCEPTR that you Tune.
- Keep track of your winnings with your SCORE card.
- Score the total "PXL" value for each RESCEPTR you Sonance.
- Add the "PXL" value for the RESCEPTRS you win at the end of the game, (these are not counted by your SCORE card)
EXAMPLE: This RESCEPTR is worth 200PXL. The Player who Tunes 1 Frequency of this RESCEPTR Scores 100PXL. The Player who Tunes the last Frequency Scores 100PXL and Sonances the RESCEPTR, which is worth 200PXL at the end of the game.
The Winner of the game is the Player with the most PXL after all RESCEPTRS are won.
That's all you need to know...
Break out your deck and Play...or, dig into other sections to deepen your understanding.

Win the CLASH!
Learn how to Clash SIGNAL and NOISE in Epic Battle...

SIGNAL and NOISE Clash in a battle of Frequencies...
Decide the winner of the Clash by comparing the strongest matching Frequencies between them. The SIGNAL or NOISE remaining in the Afterclash have a chance to Tune the RESCEPTR and Score.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

SIGNAL, NOISE, and RESCEPTRS are Forged of Frequency...
Frequencies are shown as a combination of 7 colorful sigils in various sizes on each SIGNAL,NOISE and RESCEPTR.
Each Frequency is characteristic of the Mystikal Practice it emanates from.
Frequencies are used to...
- Clash! - Frequencies determine the winner of a CLASH.
- Tune! - Every Frequency of a RESCEPTR must be tuned by Matching SIGNAL, or NOISE before it can be won.
- Resonate! - many SIGNAL have a Resonance, (special ability) which can be activated by Tuning its Resonant Frequencies.

Frequency determines strength...
The larger the Frequency, the stronger it is...
- Frequencies are shown in order of their strength from the largest and strongest down to the smallest and weakest...
The more Frequencies, the stronger it is...
- The more Frequencies something has the stronger it is. Strength is (typically) shown in decibels (dB). However, some decks use only the number of Frequencies to show their strength.
The more Resonant Frequencies, the stronger its ability...
- Resonant Frequencies are shown by their subtle halo. The Resonance, or special ability, of a SIGNAL is activated once Each of these are tuned. The higher the cost the stronger the ability.

How To Clash!
Draw SIGNAL and NOISE to your SONANCER and Clash!
Clash SIGNAL and NOISE from any RESCEPTR where the NOISE is Overpowered by the SIGNAL.
To Clash, do the following...
- Draw SIGNAL and NOISE into separate piles.
- Flip them face-up and place them on either side of your SONANCER.
- Clash the top SIGNAL and NOISE against each other until only SIGNAL or the NOISE remain.
- Play the winners face-up to any RESCEPTR with Matching Frequencies, or to any RESCEPTR if none match.
Watch & Learn how a Clash is Decided

See The Pattern...
Deciding the outcome of a Clash is a simple matter of pattern recognition. Let's look at a few examples...

The strongest set of matching Frequencies is Green
Green SIGNAL is larger and stronger than Green NOISE...SIGNAL Wins!
- There are multiple sets of matching Frequencies...Green, Blue, Red, and Orange match.
- The Green set has the two largest and strongest matching Frequencies making this the strongest set.
- Within the set, the Green SIGNAL is stronger than the strongest Green NOISE...SIGNAL Wins!

SIGNAL Wins Again!
The strongest matching Frequencies are equal.
If both matching Frequencies from a set are equal in strength. Compare the next strongest set until there is a winner...or a perfect tie.
- The Green set is the strongest, and both Frequencies are equal in strength.
- The next strongest set of matching Frequencies is Blue.
- The Blue Frequency of SIGNAL is stronger than the Blue Frequency of NOISE
- SIGNAL Wins again! Nix the NOISE

Frequencies are equal in strength. but NOISE is stronger
If Frequencies are equal in strength, the SIGNAL or NOISE with the highest decibels (Db's) and most Frequencies Wins!
- Reds Match but are equal in strength; there are no other matching sets.
- Compare the strength (dB) and number of Frequencies for each to decide the tie.
- This SIGNAL is 20 dB and has 2 Frequencies. The NOISE is 50dB and has 4 Frequencies
- NOISE Wins! SIGNAL is Nixed!

Perfect Tie!
SIGNAL and NOISE are a perfect tie in strength and Frequency
If the rare event that a Clash ends in a perfect tie...both lose.
- All matching Frequencies are equal in strength.
- These SIGNAL and NOISE don't show their strength in decibels (dBs)
- Both SIGNAL and NOISE have 2 Frequencies
- Both SIGNAL and NOISE are Nixed!

Its a miss
If there are no Matching Frequencies the Clash ends in a miss.
- The strongest SIGNAL or NOISE wins...same as a tie.
- Strength is determined by having the most Frequencies, or the highest dB
You're now ready for anything a Clash can throw at you.
Pay attention to the order in which you Play SIGNAL. The first SIGNAL Played to a RESCEPTR is also the first to Clash. Weaker SIGNAL, those with fewer Frequencies, win more Clashes, while stronger SIGNAL has greater Resonance (special abilities).

Spot The Winner!
Let's try a few examples together
Scroll through the examples shown below. Guess the outcome based on what you've learned...then tap the pic to see if you're right!

Break out your deck Out And Try!
Seperate the SIGNAL and NOISE into two piles. Draw FACEOFF after FACEOFF until you and understand the pattern so well that you are able to teach another player.

"A Sonanced RESCEPTR holds mysterious power"
A brief history of RESCEPTRS...
There are those of a Mystikal Order whose lives are devoted to the remembrance of the sound that started it all...The great song of creation.
The ancient Adept of this order forged the first RESCEPTRS; Instruments that share a sympathetic response to the great song as it unfolds in ever-expanding harmonies. The crescendos of which are heard throughout the cosmos.
Of their many mysterious powers, RESCEPTRS combine to generate a dimensional portal through which the song of creation...the SIGNAL may be played. This they named, "The Art of Sonancing".
The Art of Sonancing has seven distinct forms, from the seven forms, comes the seven Mystery Schools. The ancients used their Sonancing skill to raise the vibration for key moments in cosmic history.
...what will you do with yours?

Stake...Sonance...and Collect RESCEPTRS to Win
RESCEPTRS are Staked in the center of play at the start of a new game.
Players Sonance (Win) RESCEPTRS to Score and to add them to their collections.
RESCEPTRS are made of the following...
- Frequencies: Every RESCEPTR has a set of Key Frequencies that must be Tuned before it can be won.
- Decibels (dB): RECEPTRS have a dB threshold. This limits the amount of SIGNAL or NOISE Played to it before it's overpowered.
- PXL: These are Victory points. The more Frequencies a RESCEPTR has the more PXL it holds.
- Lore: RESCEPTRS are portals into key moments from a family of stories. Scan the code to explore their lore.

"Portals, Portals, Portals to all that's beautiful and good throughout the cosmos."
Generate a Portal of RESCEPTRS to begin...
The most common power of RESCEPTRS is to generate Portals to send and receive the SIGNAL by.
How to Generate a Portal...
- Choose how many RESCEPTRS to Stake. The default is 7.
- Draw them randomly from the RESCEPTR deck, or from Players collections.
- Play RESCEPTRS face up to the center of gameplay.
- Organize them into the shape of a Portal. The top left corner of each RESCEPTR faces out.
*Some SIGNAL and NOISE are Played directly to the Portal. Their powers are persistent, effecting everyone. Only 1 SIGNAL or NOISE Played to the Portal can be active at a time...Nix the other.

Tune RESCEPTRS to Score...Sonance them to Win!
Each RESCEPTR has a set of Key Frequencies that must be Tuned to Score. The RESCEPTR is Sonnanced (Won.) when every Frequency of a RESCEPTR is tuned by Matching SIGNAL.
How to Score...
Players Score 100 PXL (victory points) each time they tune a Frequency of a RESCEPTR.
The Player who Sonnances (Wins) a RESCEPTR adds it to their collection and Scores all of its PXL at the end of the game
The player with the most PXL (victory points) at the end of the game wins.
How to Sonance...
The Player who Tunes the last frequency of a RESCEPTR where all NOISE is overpowered, Sonances (wins) it and adds it to their collection.
To Sonance a RESCEPTR...
- Overpower all NOISE from the RESCEPTR.
- Tune every Frequency of the RESCEPTR with Matching SIGNAL.
- Draw Sonanced RESCEPTRS from the Portal back to your collection.
- Add its victory points to your score at the end of the game
Beware! Matching NOISE will Glom these Frequencies and Forge a DARK RESCEPTR once it Gloms them all.
The Game ends once each RESCEPTR is Sonanced and won by Players...or Forged as a DARK RESCEPTR by the NOISE.

Collect the RESCEPTRS you Sonance...
After you Sonnace (Win) a RESCEPTR, Nix everything played to it and Draw it to your collection.
Keep track of the PXL you earn from Tuning frequencies with your SCORE card...Add the victory points from Sonanced RESCEPTRS at the end of the game. The Player with the most victory points after All RESCEPTRS are won is the winner of the game.

"The NOISE Gloms RESCEPTRS for the same reason the scorpion rides the toad"
The NOISE is forged of Frequency....
Like SIGNAL, the NOISE is formed of Frequencies.
- The Frequencies of NOISE run in order of the largest and strongest, (top center) down to the smallest and weakest (side right).
- The NOISE measures its strength in most Frequencies and highest decibels (dBs), but is often stronger than its opposite SIGNAL
- The NOISE shades its Frequencies to distinguish itself from the SIGNAL.
- Each NOISE holds Dissonance. A characteristic power that is activated (once per turn) when NOISE wins a Clash against SIGNAL.

"Glom" verb: become stuck or attached to...but in a yucky way.
Glom NOISE to the RESCEPTR to form a Cacophony....
The most common way to Draw a Cacophony of NOISE...
Draw the top NOISE from the deck and place facedown to the RESCEPTR
Draw up to 5 NOISE placing them in descending order below the RESCEPTR.
- NOISE Drawn to the Cacophony combines its strength (dB). The Cacophony is complete once it Overpowers the strength (dB) of the RESCEPTR. This final NOISE is played sideways to show that the NOISE cannot grow
The last NOISE is played sideways below the rest to show that the Cacophony is complete and the NOISE cannot grow any stronger.

"Lose the Clash to Loose the Chaos"

The Dissonance of NOISE...
Dissonance is the characteristic power of NOISE. The Dissonance of a single NOISE is activated once per turn when it wins a Clash.
When NOISE wins the Clash, read aloud its Dissonance for the benefit of others.
Dissonate the NOISE then continue with your turn.
NOISE range in their powers, some will Nix SIGNAL, some will Glom NOISE, and some will Bribe Dark Acolytes with power.

"What hand wields a weapon such as the NOISE..."

The NOISE BOSS and its MINION...
Each Deck has at least 1 Boss and 1 Minion.
- The Boss is the force behind the NOISE. Bosses Win Every Clash, then usually Forge a DARK RESCEPTR which they guard in the Trove.
- MINIONS derive their power from their Boss...they too Win every Clash, after which they are usually Nixed! (Discarded) in hopes of being Drawn again soon.

"Forces behind the NOISE Forge DARK RESCEPTRS to blanket the world in NOISE."
DARK RESCEPTRS are Forged by the NOISE when...
- Every Frequency of a RESCEPTR is Glommed by Matching NOISE
- Dissonance is unleashed with the power to Forge a DARK RESCEPTR
- Every last NOISE is Played to the Portal. This results in a brute force attack whereby the NOISE wins The RESCEPTR the last NOISE is Played to.

To setup the Trove...
- Grab the empty game box.
- Place the lid face down then place the box inside the lid to form the Trove.
- Place DARK RESCEPTRS inside the Trove. Good luck getting them back 🙁
The BOSS Guards the TROVE...
When the Boss is Drawn bad things follow. Bosses like to crank the Dissonance then retreat to the Trove with their spoils.
To Place a Boss in the Trove...
- Slide the Boss between the box and the cover on the side showing the Trove.
- The Boss is beyond reach while guarding the Trove.
- Align the Boss with the RESCEPTR icons to keep track of Dark RESCEPTRS in the Trove.

Battle for the TROVE
Challenge the Boss to a special form of combat to Win the TROVE...and collect All of its RESCEPTRS


"Play the beautiul SIGNAL...Help them Remember the sound that started it all."
Playing SIGNAL on your turn...
On your turn...
- Play Any, or All SIGNAL from your hand, face-down to Any RESCEPTR.
- GOAL: Overpower the Cacophony of NOISE with SIGNAL.
- TIP: Play Matching SIGNAL that can Tune a Frequency of the RESCEPTR.
- Play SIGNAL to your SONANCER face-up.
- Your Sonancer can hold SIGNAL up to its current dB level.
- TIP: Play SIGNAL to your Sonancer that you want to Resonate.
- SIGNAL Tuning another doesn't count toward the dB limit of your SONANCER.
- REMEMBER: SIGNAL Played to your SONANCER are part of the Clash and can be Nixed!.
- Clash! SIGNAL and NOISE from the RESCEPTR
- The Cacophony must be Overpowered by SIGNAL before a Clash may be drawn.
- Play All SIGNAL or NOISE surviving the Clash back to the RESCEPTR face-up.
- Tune the Frequencies of the RESCEPTR with Matching SIGNAL or NOISE.
- Score PXL for each Frequency Tuned
- Draw back, (or down) to a 5 SIGNAL hand to end your turn.

Play SIGNAL in Harmony to combine their strength...
SIGNAL Played together in Harmony combine their strength (dBs).
In this Example, the Harmony is 60 dB strong while the Cacophony is only 20dB Strong...The Cacophony is Overpowered.

"Remember, and do not forget...the power of pure intention"

Each SIGNAL holds a powerful Resonance...
Resonance is the characteristic power unique to each SIGNAL...
Resonance are found near the bottom of a SIGNAL.
Resonance are characteristic of the Mystikal Practice for that SIGNAL
Play Signal to your Sonancer and Resonate to activate their power
The power of the Resonance trumps all other rules
Resonate SIGNAL to activate their special powers...
The most common way to Resonate SIGNAL is by Tuning it with other SIGNAL...
- Play the SIGNAL whose power you want to Resonate face-up to your SONANCER (Only Play SIGNAL up to the dB of your SONNACER).
- Each of the Resonant Frequencies must be Tuned (Matched) by another SIGNAL to activate the Resonance (special ability) of a SIGNAL. *SIGNAL without Resonant Frequencies are free to activate.
- Tune the SIGNAL you want to resonate by Playing Matching SIGNAL upside down and behind it. Once each Frequency is Matched the Resonance is active and may be played on your turn.
- Nix all SIGNAL Tuning the Resonant SIGNAL to use its powers.
In this example a Green SIGNAL is Tuning a Yellow SIGNAL to Resonate its powers.
*SIGNAL Played to tune another does not count toward the total dB of your SONANCER, but it does share the fate of the SIGNAL it's tuning if that SIGNAL is lost in a Clash or Nixed some other way.


"THEOSIS // The practice of becoming fully human"
There are 7 kinds of SIGNAL...
The Key Frequency of a SIGNAL shows which of the seven Mystikal Practices a SIGNAL represents. Each of the seven has a characteristic style of Play expressed through its Resonance.
CRYSOPHIA (Grey) - "The UnCreated Energies"
- Swaps Frequencies to become something else...pretty wild.
INVOCATIV (Purple) - "Binding of the Beyond"\
- Draws Power from beyond to easily Clash the NOISE
LOCI (Blue) - "Playground of the Mind"
- Flips the script in favor of more clever ways to win.
LUMINOSIS (Green) - "Manifold Light & Beauty"
- Overpowers the NOISE as light does a shadow.
TAMALOC (Yellow) - "Way of Embodied Knowing"
- Defend & Counter the NOISE in a Clash.
SERENDIPITY (Orange/Pink) - "The Art of Happenstance"
- Resonate SIGNAL in sequence to win big.
APOKELLIPSIS (Red) - "The Moment of Truth"
- Warp time and Change the outcomes of Key moments.

"The delicate footprint of the Masters...how light they are upon the earth."
Play as a Mystikal Acolyte...
Everyone begins their Journey as an ACOLYTE. Some become ADEPTS while others choose another path.
Each ACOLYTE chooses their SONANCER, using it to...
- Hold & Resonate SIGNAL
- Keep track of their Score
- Look cool...

"Wandering Stars for whom the blackest darkness is reserved...forever"

The FR3NDS of the NOOM...
Become a FR3ND anytime by Flipping your SONANCER to the NOOMSTONE and voiding your Score. Outwardly, only a few things are different, but inwardly your motivation is now to take power from the NOISE and Score when it succeeds...don't forget to troll a few ACOLYTES along the way.
Here are the differences for FR3NDS...
- Benefit from the Dissonance of NOISE.
- Use your NOOMSTONE just like a SONANCER and keep Score.
- Score each time the NOISE tunes a Frequency on your turn.
- Don't Score when you tune a RESCEPTR with SIGNAL (It's a point an ACOLYTE won't get 😉
- You can't Sonance a RESCEPTR...if you do the next Player will likely collect it.
- FR3ND split evenly the victory points for all DARK RESCEPTRS at the end of the game.
Once you become a FR3ND of the NOOM the only path back is the way you came.
- Flip the NOOMSTONE back to your SONANCER
- Void all PXL from your Score along with any +dB bonuses.

“Magical words... become Magical Thinking, and Magical Thinking becomes Magical action. And before you know it... You’re a Wizard.” - Ancient Adept saying from the Serendipity school
Be the Player with the most victory points when the game ends...then yell "VICTORY!!!" like Tarvold.
Remember, the NOISE can win too
SIGNAL are your basic unit of play.
They are used to Overpower NOISE and Sonnance RESCEPTRS.
Each SIGNAL is made up of FREQUENCY and holds a powerful RESONANCE.
Each SIGNAL may have up to 7 FREQUENCIES. The KEY FREQUENCY is at the top. The color of the KEY FREQUENCY also determines which of the 7 Mystikal Practices that SIGNAL is attuned to.
FREQUENCIES descend in order of the largest and strongest to the smallest and weakest.
The more FREQUENCIES a SIGNAL has the stronger it is as measured in decibels (dBs)
Each SIGNAL has a unique and characteristic power or... RESONANCE. The Stronger the SIGNAL the more powerful its RESONANCE
NOISE is the opposite of SIGNAL.
While of the same essence as SIGNAL... the NOISE is a chaotic force. It's nature is to grow until it drowns out All SIGNAL forever.
RESCEPTRS amplify the NOISE. Allowing the NOISE to Glom itself and grow into a powerful CACOPHONY.
The NOISE Dissonates its powers (once per turn) whenver it wins a Clash.
RESCEPTRS are what's at STAKE. Everyone (including the NOISE) is playing to Win them.
Each RESCEPTR holds a specific set of Frequencies. These must be Tuned (Matched), and All NOISE Overpowered before it can be Won to your collection.
RESCEPTRS Forged by the NOISE and kept in the TROVE.
Forge a DARK RESCEPTR if All 7 Frequencies of NOISE Glom the CACOPHONY.
Forge a DARK RESCEPTR if each Frequency of an ARTIFACT is Matched by NOISE from the CACOPHONY.
Forge a DARK RESCEPTR if the Dissonance of NOISE says so.
The SONNANCER is an ancient device. A tool for Mystikal Practice, and a weapon. What those of the Order call their, "Wisdom Sword".
A Sonnancer shares a sympathetic response to the SIGNAL and the NOISE Drawn to it; and binds them to the Intention of it's wielder.
In skilled hands, a SONNANCER can do many things... See the sections above
Colorful icons of 7 kinds found on each SIGNAL, NOISE and ARTIFACT.
The larger the FREQUENCY, the Stronger it is. The more FREQUENCIES a SIGNAL or NOISE has the Stronger that SIGNAL or NOISE.
A battle between SIGNAL and NOISE where the strongest matching FREQUENCIES win.
The Trove is a special vault on the oneric plane (the dream world) and is guarded by the NOISE.
Place All DARK RESCEPTRS in the TROVE. Either by designating an area as the TROVE or, by Flipping the box top underneath the box bottom to use the box as the TROVE.
SUPERNALS are ADEPT masters come to lend their power to the fight.
SUPERNALS are played to the Portal, and don't Clash. Their Resonance is always Set and it remains active while they remain in the Portal.
The Resonance of SUPERNALS benefit everyone able to benefit from them. Only 1 SUPERNAL may be active at a time.
A dark force behind the NOISE. There is at least 1 Boss per deck.
Once drawn, the Boss is placed in the TROVE to guard it. Whoever overpowers the Boss in a special challenge Wins All of the DARK RESCEPTRS guarded in the TROVE.
The Boss always wins a Clash...if for some reason the Boss is Nixed, place it in the Trove.
MINIONS are powerful forces summoned by Bosses to aid them in their dark purpose.
MINIONS Always win a Clash, Dissonate their power, then are Nixed to cycle back again.
The NIXED is the discard pile.
Nixed SIGNAL are placed in a pile faceup beside the SIGNAL DECK.
Nixed NOISE are placed in a pile faceup beside the NOISE DECK.
Shuffle the NIXED back into the deck whenever the deck has less than 5 cards left.
A CACOPHONY is All of the NOISE Glomming (joined to) 1 RESCEPTR.
All NOISE from the CACOPHONY must be Overpowered before the RESCEPTER can be Won.
Be carful not to let the CACOPHONY Grow too Powerful the NOISE can Win more easily the Stronger it gets.
All Players begin their journey as an ACOLYTE. but can flip their SONANCER to a NOOMSTONE to become a Dark Acolyte...See the Section above.
SIGNAL Matching Any FREQUENCY of a RESCEPTR can be used to Tune it. Once its fully tuned the RESCEPTR is Sonanced.
A RESCEPTR is Sonnanced once...
Each of Its FREQUENCIES is matched by 1 or more SIGNAL Played on the STAKE.
All the NOISE Glomming it are Overpowered.
The characteristic power of a SIGNAL/NOISE. These powers trump all other rules.
Each Resonance/Dissonance can be activated once per turn.
Discard! Blamo! Poof!
Nixed! SIGNAL or NOISE are sent to its NIXED pile.
NOISE Gloms (Join to) RESCEPTRS and to itself.

FAQ's, Rules, All the Fiddly Bits
Clockwise and to the Player on your left.
On your turn you may Play Any or All SIGNAL in your hand. It's possible to Play several times on a single turn.
Db (decibel) values sum up the strength of a SIGNAL or NOISE as shown on the card backs
When combined, they show the total Strength of a Harmony of SIGNAL or the NOISE of a Cacophony.
To start a new game you may all agree to use whatever method you like to pick who starts.
One method to try is whoever is the most experienced among you takes plays first turn in exchange for teaching new players.
Another method is to have 2 players Draw a round of Clashes against each other until someone wins. The winner chooses who plays first.
This is when All players agree to Play for keeps with ARTIFACTS they own.
How to Play for keeps...
ARTIFACTS can be assessed for their value prior to Play by Any player
All ARTIFACTS eligible for Play must be unanimously approved by All players before being Staked.
All ARTIFACTS which have been Staked and are in Play must be Won before they can be removed from Play.
Only players who have Staked an ARTIFACT are eligible to Win an ARTIFACT
Yes. It won't sonance the RESCEPTR but you may have other reasons for playing it.
No. If you have unwanted SIGNAL in your hand, Play it to get rid of it, then draw back to 5 at the end of your turn.
You may Shuffle a SIGNAL or NOISE Deck when it is below 5 cards.
To quit a game in progress one does not simply flip the table over.
The right way to quit is as follows...
Nix! your hand.
Collect Any ARTIFACTS you own which are not Staked and leave the table.
Otherwise, sit your butt down until your ARTIFACTS are Won and then quit.
If the game state is disturbed beyond repair do the following:
Nix! All SIGNAL and NOISE from the STAKE.
Everyone Draw back to or down to a 5 SIGNAL hand.
Rebuild the Portal and continue playing. If the disturbance was cause by a player with malicioous intent...ask them to apologize for their actions against the spirit of play before playing their next turn.
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