The SIGNAL is strong, but the NOISE is growing...
Many ARTIFACTS have already gone dark!
ACOLYTES Beware! To win these prized ARTIFACTS and restore their mysterious powers you must Defeat the MONSTERS behind the NOISE.
Combine your skills to amplify the SIGNAL, and Overpower the NOISE...before it grows into an unstoppable COCOPHONY.


Each Acolyte is dealt 6 ARTIFACTS, or chooses 6 ARTIFACTS from their collection. These are the STAKES you will be playing to win. The first ACOLYTE to place  an ARTIFACT on each of the 7 FACETS of their SONNANCER wins the game.

6 Artifacts face up
6 Artifacts in hand

Set the STAKES

Place 1 or more ARTIFACTS either as a new STAKE, or on any existing STAKE. Continue taking turns ARTIFACTS until every ARTIFACT is Staked.

Place 1 ARTIFACT on any Facet of your SONNANCER...This ARTIFACT will act as the matching SIGNAL needed to Form GLYPHS when it's time to Play your SIGNAL.

Overpower the NOISE

Once the STAKES are set, Place 1 NOISE face down to GLOM each STAKE. These are All the NOISE which, along with their MONSTERS, must be overpowered to win the STAKE.

With NOISE Glomming each STAKE it's time to test your skill and discover if you have what it takes to be the first ACOLYTE to complete THEOSIS and win the game.

Deal a 5 SIGNAL hand to each ACOLYTE.

ACOLYTES take turns Playing their SIGNAL below the NIXED pile on Any STAKE. SIGNAL is played 1 per turn and face down until the combined SIGNAL equals or, overpowers the NOISE and the MONSTER is revealed.

At the end of each turn Draw as many SIGNAL as needed to have a 5 SIGNAL hand

Reveal the MONSTER

The ACOLYTE who Overpowers the NOISE on Any STAKE must Flip All ARTIFACTS, NOISE and SIGNAL face up, then face the Attack of the now revealed MONSTER.

With the MONSTER revealed, ACOLYTES Play their SIGNAL face up, looking to form powerful combinations devastating to MONSTERS, their MINIONS...and occasionally fellow ACOLYTES.

You win the STAKE once the combined SIGNAL equals or exceeds the strength of the MONSTER after it has Attacked you on your turn.

The ACOLYTE who Reveals a MONSTER may choose to Play 1 more time for a chance to defeat the MONSTER. Beware, anytime SIGNAL is played against a MONSTER they will attack for a chance to  Nix your SIGNAL, form a more powerful COCOPHONY, or both.

Play Your Signal